St. John's

In and around the capital of Newfoundland and Labrador

The lightouses at Cape Spear

The lightouses at Cape Spear

The working lighthouse at Cape Spear

The working lighthouse at Cape Spear

The historic lightouse at Cape Spear

The historic lightouse at Cape Spear

The harbour

The harbour

The fish harbour

The fish harbour

The fish harbour

The fish harbour

The fish harbour

The fish harbour

The fish harbour

The fish harbour

The fish harbour

The fish harbour

Signal Hill

Signal Hill

Fort Amherst

Fort Amherst

Home in Quida Vidi

Home in Quida Vidi
The lightouses at Cape SpearThe working lighthouse at Cape SpearThe historic lightouse at Cape SpearThe harbourThe fish harbourThe fish harbourThe fish harbourThe fish harbourThe fish harbourSignal HillFort AmherstHome in Quida Vidi