The various vantage points at Niagara Falls

Rainbow over the Falls

Rainbow over the Falls

Looking up at the Falls from the entrance to the Tunnel

Looking up at the Falls from the entrance to the Tunnel

Looking up at the Falls from the entrance to the Tunnel
Looking up at the Falls from the entrance to the Tunnel
Looking up at the Falls from the entrance to the Tunnel
The Falls from Table Rock

The Falls from Table Rock

The Falls from the Parkway

The Falls from the Parkway

The American Falls from the Parkway

The American Falls from the Parkway

Looking down at the American Falls

Looking down at the American Falls

A panoramic view

A panoramic view

Looking down at the American Falls

Looking down at the American Falls

Harvest Moon over Niagara Falls

Harvest Moon over Niagara Falls

The american Falls under the Harvest Moon
The Canadian Falls at night

The Canadian Falls at night





