
About Mary Leonora

Mary Leonora D'Souza Image

Mary Leonora D'Souza came to Karachi in the 1920s. At 18, she was a young bride married to Manuel Francis D'Souza. She travelled directly from her village in Anjunha, Goa, with little education and few skills. She raised nine children and developed skills in sewing and cooking through her own initiative and self-learning. She made do with the family's modest means through ingenious invention and innovations, and made sure all nine children went to school and instilled solid values in them.

The D'Souza family has set up this foundation to remember their Mother and to all mothers of that era. They have all left a legacy of a thriving community, all through their hard work and selfless sense of duty to the family and society.


The objective of the foundation is to extend the advantages that were offered us to children who do not have the means or opportunities for an education. We advise our volunteers to seek out children in villages and low income areas and convince their parents to send them to school, and the foundation pays the fees.