The St. Mary's Convent Multan implemented the Project “Help Educate our Youth” for the marginalized and destitute rural youth and children. The provision of equipment for the school provided an opportunity to grow and learn in a healthy environment with the vision of abundant life.
St. Mary's Convent Multan has many challenges on its way to work for the development of the community but we are very much committed to work for the social and economic development of the poor, depressed, marginalized and less privileged communities. We hope these efforts will contribute to bring great change in our society. St. Mary's Convent Multan staff, volunteers, friends and sister organizations supported and made convenient to implement project successfully. We do have Rs. 30, 0000 as a balance amount and that would be utilized for the
provision of school uniforms to children in the new session classes of 2020.
The St. Mary's Convent Multan endeavors to promote quality education geared for the holistic growth of the children. I, Sister Teresa Khurshid OP, on the behalf of my staff and target community render special thanks to the Mary Leonora Foundation for their financial support for the Project “Help Educate our Youth”